ASSEMBLY: A New Conversation about Museum Research

ASSEMBLY is a national collaborative research development initiative, that aims to explore the question: How might we reimagine new forms of museum collaborative research for public value?

We suggest that there are untapped opportunities to explore alternative forms of museum collaborative research – with universities and other stakeholders – that can better align with the pressing needs of Australian museums, galleries and their communities, particularly in relation to grappling with their public purpose and relevance in the world. To better understand these opportunities, we believe there is a need to foster shared dialogue and develop a greater sense of collectivity across the museum and gallery sector and beyond, with universities and other potential collaborators.

ASSEMBLY looks to create the platform to nurture this conversation by hosting a series of nation-wide forums (assemblies) later this year. These gatherings will be convened primarily online, to  explore the WHY, WHAT and HOW of reimagining new forms of museum collaborative research for public value.

These assemblies are for any practitioner, occupying any role, associated with any Australian museum, gallery or university, or any other relevant connected institution or community, as long as they have a personal interest in exploring future opportunities for new forms of museum collaborative research for public value. We encourage diverse participation as only by convening across difference can we determine and map a shared path forward. 

Details of these individual assemblies, and how to register, are as follows: 

Trigger Assemblies: Discussing WHY we need to change 

Objective: Outlining and debating the context and rationale behind why we need to change our approach towards museum collaborative research for public value and setting out a reimagined future for this. 

Trigger Assembly 1: Thu 8th Aug 2024, 10.30am to 12.30pm (AEST). Online. Register here.

This session will explore the following questions: 

  • Why is understanding and responding to changing public value of critical importance to museums & galleries, now and in the future? 
  • Why is taking a reimagined approach to research a productive path forward for museums & galleries in understanding and responding to their changing public value? 
  • Why do we need to look at new forms of museum collaborative research to do this? 

 This session will include contributions from: 

  • Seb Chan, Director/CEO of the Australian Centre for Moving Image (ACMI) and National President of AMaGA 
  • Dr Kirstin Alford, Director of Museum of Discovery (MOD) 
  • Candace Richards, Assistant Curator, Chau Chak Wing Museum 
  • Dr David Gaimster, Director of South Australian Museum 
  • Dr Lee-Anne Hall, Director of Wagga Wagga Art Gallery 
  • Professor Kate Mitchell, Director of Research School of Humanities & Arts, Australian National University  


Trigger Assembly 2: Date and details TBA 

Reflector Assemblies: Discussing HOW we must change 

Objective: Looking at change enablement, across scales, focusing on how we build the capacity to pursue new forms of museum collaborative research for public value, 

Reflector Assembly 1: Tue 17th Sept 2024, 9.30am to 12.30pm (AEST). In person at the AMaGA Conference, Ballarat. Conference registration will be required, day passes available, please register here

How might we better understand and collaborate across diverse knowledge systems & practices, to develop new opportunities for museum collaborative research?  

An interactive assembly that supports delegates, through a process of shared reflection and exchange, to better value and understand the diverse knowledge practices and systems we all connect with and explore how these can build into new productive forms of future museum collaborative research 

Pivot Assemblies: Discussing WHAT we need to change 

Objective: Exploring specific areas of museum research that could provide practical and conceptual pivots to the change  

Pivot Assembly 1 - Pivoting Research Assets: Tue 3rd Sept 2024, 10.00am to 11.30am (AEST). Online. Registration to be announced.  

How might we move from an existing practice of museum research where objects are valued and cared for as the primary research assets, to a future form of collaborative museum research that also values and cares for the relationships that are generated around and through these objects? 

Pivot Assembly 2 - Pivoting Research Value: Date and details TBA. Online 

How might we move from only valuing research if it benefits the museum/institution in understanding and navigating change, to instead valuing research if it helps society in understanding and navigating change.  

Pivot Assembly 3 - Pivoting Research Engagement: Date and details TBA. Online 

How might we move from an existing approach to museum research that is premised on a one-way dissemination of research findings to passive audiences, to a future museum collaborative research engagement model that creatively activates and empowers audiences & publics through and across research? 

Pivot Assembly 4 - Pivoting Research Expertise: Date and details TBA. Online 

How might we move from an existing acceptance that only certain people with specific forms of knowledge can undertake museum research in prescribed ways, to recognition that future collaborative museum research acknowledges and draws from the broader lived experiences, needs, practices and knowledge systems of a wider cross section of public and communities? 

For more information about ASSEMBLY please see this one-page flier that that summarises the key objectives, principles and design.  

We have also written a series of think pieces to better interrogate the rationale behind ASSEMBLY and shape its future direction. The first of these articles Episode 1 – Shaping a new path for university and museum research partnerships in Australia, sets out why thinking differently about the role and value of research can help museum and galleries  purposefully interrogate, productively understand and proactively respond to the pressing strategic demands and changing public contexts they share with universities and other public organisations. The second of these articles Episode 2 - Configuring museum/research trajectories - explores the ways that museums currently consider, enact and value research. Before reflecting on how the perspectives they offer might inspire a reconfiguration of the purpose of museum collaborative research that better aligns with their roles as public, social and civic agents. The final article in this series (to be published in due course) will ask whether such a reconfiguration of research is useful to museums and to the practitioners that work within and with them?  And if so, what are some of the specific forms of museum collaborative research that might enable this, and the barriers and enablers in pursuing them? 

In addition to these think pieces, we have also undertaken recent research exploring the research perspectives of Australian Museums & Galleries. Although museums and galleries are engaged in research, there has been little consideration across the Australian sector about how this research is manifested. This research attempts to begin addressing this gap by offering a snapshot of Australian museum and gallery research culture and practice. The insights from this study provide important underpinning to ASSEMBLY. You can read more about this research as well as access the report summarising key findings here

ASSEMBLY is being developed collaboratively by a range of stakeholders from across the museum and university sectors, with the support of the Australian Museums and Galleries Association, and with the Australian National University and Monash University. While focused at a national level, ASSEMBLY also mutually informs an expanded network of research observatories being established internationally through association with the Institute for Digital Culture (University of Leicester, UK). 

If you are interested in participating in ASSEMBLY and wish to be kept up to date on all future developments, please choose the ASSEMBLY option in your AMaGA account communication preferences. If you are not an AMaGA member you can create a free non-member user account and subscribe to ASSEMBLY via your communication preferences, found on your account page. 

If you have any specific questions about ASSEMBLY, please get in touch with Sejul Malde [[email protected]]. Collaborative Research Initiatives Manager, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences. 

Download Assembly articles below


ASSEMBLY Summary Flier

The Research Perspectives of Australian Museums Report

Think Piece 1: Shaping a new path for university and museum research partnerships in Australia

Think Piece 2: Configuring Museum Research Trajectories